Jun 16, 2020
Sugar Addiction is REAL...Are You Addicted?
I don’t know about you, but ever since this COVID-19 crisis, food just seems more appealing, especially anything containing sugar. Why?

Apr 15, 2020
5 Signs of Underlying Inflammation & What to Do About It
Let's talk about inflammation. What exactly is it? I may have a different perspective than other doctors, but the answer is, to me...

Feb 28, 2020
What Is Functional Medicine: Our Approach
Functional medicine is gaining more popularity than ever. However, many are still confused as to what it is and how exactly it works. So...

Feb 26, 2020
Why Gut Health Matters & How to Improve It
The digestive tract is an amazing system within our body. Actually, believe it or not, our GI tract is actually OUTSIDE of our body. Why?...

Feb 4, 2020
Dr. Brad’s Top 5 Current Favorite Supplements
I’ve recently ramped up my training and am running more than I have in 10 years (which I’m very thankful to be able to do). But with that...

Jan 21, 2020
Getting Collagen on a Carnivore Diet
Have you considered collagen supplementation within the context of a carnivore diet? This topic is in vogue right now, and there are...

Dec 30, 2019
New Year, New Bod?
I hope this article finds you all enjoying the holiday season! We all know 2020 is just days away, and some love the idea of resolutions...

Nov 30, 2019
CBD + Ketones = ??
I recently had the privilege of attending a low-carb diet event last weekend. Many of the top minds in the space were there to present...

Oct 8, 2019
Top 5 Nutrients for Joint Health
Healthy, pain-free joints are a precious commodity to healthy living. It’s obviously no surprise that we need solid joint structure and...

Sep 29, 2019
Experiment + Patient Successes + CBD Workshop
Happy Sunday! I’d like to thank you all for being so patient with the online store. We’re very excited that we have all the kinks worked...